How to recover from a Google penalty

how to recover google panlty

As you know most experts SEO, Google updated its Panda 4.0 algorithm on 20 May. When this happens, an earthquake shakes Internet and responsible for Marketing, Web developers, Webmaster, etc., are often not fun the first few weeks, waiting for the consequences this may have on months or years of work.

Obviously, those who have used little or no ethical tactics will be hit hard by Google Panda 4.0 and those who have done well, can rest easy. However, even in this latter case, it may be that you see your traffic and reduced suffering any penalty, for which it is best to implement a number of specific measures. Continue reading

How We Reduced Our Bounce Rate | Social Media Today

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Chances are you know what your website’s rate is, but many site owners just don’t know how important this number really is. So what is a bounce rate anyway and why should you be watching it? Your bounce rate is the number of visitors who land on one of your web pages and then immediately click back or leave in some way.

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